Is Age Really Just a Number?

‘Age is just a number’, right? Who are you kidding? Age IS a number & the bigger it gets, the harder things are. But just because things are harder, does not mean they are impossible. And the alternative: declining muscle, loss of bone density and functionality, metabolic disorders – these things are much harder then … Continued

Need to Lose Those Last 10lbs? This is for you….

*Just press pause if the video moves too quickly 😉 Unfortunately people take liberties to comment on another’s weight, which is inappropriate at either end of the scale. Feeling good in your own skin is important no matter what size skin you’re in. If you’ve ever been there, it’s hard to ‘lose those last 5lbs’, … Continued

Do YOU Have a Nursing Home Prevention Plan?

How much does it cost to get ‘old’? Well, if you think a gym membership or a coach is expensive now… Take a look at this: The average cost of a nursing home is $260-$297 per DAY for a basic room and care (depending on location & level of care). That’s about $8900 per month. … Continued

Good News for Menopausal Women!

Now here’s some good news! While the original Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) has been debunked for years now, it’s wonderful that this information is being distributed to the general public. Thank you to the Washington Post for doing women a huge service to overcome the fear of menopause hormone therapy (MHT). While MHT isn’t … Continued

How Maria Lost 7lbs in 7 Weeks (and how you can too)

A few tweaks may be all you need to drop those extra pounds. You probably don’t need to change everything, in fact, the LESS you change, the easier it will be to stick with your plan. Maria was SO frustrated until she got some outside eyes to see the blind spot in her nutrition. You … Continued

Joint Replacement and Menopause (My Update)

Are you facing joint replacement? I’m here to tell you that you’re going to be ok. It’s scary but if you have the option for replacement, go for it. You’ll never be as young and strong as you are RIGHT NOW. And you’re only going to decline and get compensatory injuries the longer you wait. … Continued

Can’t Lose Weight in Menopause? (Mystery Solved)

Are you paying attention to the details? I’m not being a jerk in this video, but if weight loss is elusive, maybe you’ve let some habits slide? Small tweaks to: -Increase protein & fiber -Reduce un-supportive foods -Reduce stress -Increase sleep quality -Move more Will make all the difference over TIME… And that’s what you … Continued

Hip Replacement – HELP

I am NOT a doctor offering medical advice… But having the ear of someone who has experienced hip replacement surgery (twice), I have insights that even surgeons may not have experienced first hand. It was my ultimate pleasure to work with Holley who looked to me for support post op. Total hip replacement is serious … Continued

Stop Slashing Calories to Lose Weight in Menopause

Continually lowering calories to lose weight gets to the point of diminishing returns. The problem with low calorie diets for starters is that they are unsustainable long term, then, if or when you’re successful at weight loss, the challenge is maintaining that loss. Although it’s true that fat loss requires a calorie deficit, there are … Continued