Beginner Pull Up Tips

Want to do a pull up? It’s a worthy and DOABLE goal, even for those late to the game. Side note: I learned how to do all kinds of skills like kipping pull ups, muscle ups, toes to bar, handstand push ups & handstand walking well into my 50’s. If I can learn, so can … Continued

Birthday Butterfly Pull Up Challenge

I just turned 55 (OMGosh, how did I get so old?)… Last year I decided to do 54 pull ups and my goal was to beat 5 minutes. This year, I thought I’d try to beat my time from last year, 55 pull ups in under 5 minutes. Looking at the video, I see the … Continued

Happy Birthday to Me – Challenge

It was my 54th birthday… Back story, when I turned 50, I thought it would be cool to do 50 pull ups in under 5 minutes… …4 years later, I thought I’d try the same challenge (except well, I’m 4 years older so I had to do more pull ups).  I attempted to do 54 pull ups … Continued