Can’t Squat?

“But I can’t squat!” EVERYONE who wants to toilet themselves can squat. So unless you want bathroom assistance over time, it’s wise to strengthen those quads now because if you don’t use your muscles, you’ll lose them. You can simply start with a wall sit for 30 sec to a minute. Work into 90º depth. … Continued

Unusual Exercise to Reduce Knee Pain

Knee pain? Here’s a simple at home exercise to solve it (AND shape your 🍑)… Now most of us are a ‘lazy a$$’ and what I mean by that is that we don’t know how to turn on our gluteus maximus (the big butt muscle). This is partially due to our lifestyle. When our glutes don’t … Continued

40+ and Sore Knees? [Solution]

Sore knees? Many women tell me that they can’t exercise because they have sore knees….is this you? The fact is, you need your knees to be strong and healthy. It’s not just about exercise, it’s about being functional. You’ll want strong legs for more than exercise, you’ll want strong legs to be able to sit … Continued