Do This Not That: Diet

For healthy weight loss, there should be some hard & fast rules… These things are OUT: Cutting out an entire macro group Going lower than 1000/day Eating food you hate Chasing the number on the scale Over Exercising to burn off excess calories Beating yourself up Changing habits & eating in a sustainable way? YES! … Continued

It’s NOT a Diet…

“It’s not a diet, I’ve just learned how to eat for my metabolism”. This was music to my ears when I overheard one of my nutrition clients explaining what she was doing to lose the weight. ”It’s working!” I thought. As a 20 year veteran school teacher turned fit pro, I always fall back to education … Continued

Why Dieting is Making You Fat…

On a diet? Why eating LESS is doing more harm than good and is killing your metabolism… Join me and Coach Perri Stevens as we discuss the topic of dieting and more on a FB Live… A ‘read it and eat it’ plan is just fine to get you on the road to better eating, … Continued

Why Diets Don’t Work!

Diets are designed to be temporary. Our bodies tend to adapt to a strict eating plan, but only for short period of time. Dieting can make you despise eating in that particular way, and they CAN’T wait until you don’t have to eat another piece of chicken or broccoli. Often dieters get so discouraged by … Continued