3 am Wake Up? Solutions!
In this video series, you’ll find a number of possible reasons and solutions to help improve your sleep. For more tips on sleep and overcoming menopausal symptoms, get my book: Lose Your Menopause Belly
In this video series, you’ll find a number of possible reasons and solutions to help improve your sleep. For more tips on sleep and overcoming menopausal symptoms, get my book: Lose Your Menopause Belly
Travel delays? Ug. It happens…. Here are some tips to make it a happier experience… Pack your attitude – Decide what kind of traveler you’ll be… Prioritize your health & think of how you’ll support it on the road… Stress is a killer – travel delays can make you crazy, so let it go as … Continued
I’ve had a number of questions related to two of my most popular programs: Menopause Belly Fix and the ever popular My Bikini Belly. The program, Menopause Belly Fix (MBF) is designed as a beginner program or for those that have not exercised in a very long time or those who might be rehabbing from an … Continued
If you’re like most women in your 40’s or 50’s you’re probably blaming menopause for all kinds of things like: mid section weight gain sleeplessness fatigue inability to lose weight hot flashes depression… In a nutshell, here are 5 tips to burn off your menopause belly: Get a physical. Eat fish oil. Lower stress levels. … Continued
There’s something exciting about a fresh start…You get to forgive yourself and forget the mistakes of the past. Wouldn’t you just LOVE to finally reach your health goals? Let me make a prediction for YOUR success in 2017…Just imagine how you’ll feel when: • You easily slip into all your favorite … Continued