An ounce of prevention saves pounds on your hips!

Alcohol and weight loss don’t particularly go together but at this time of year, a drink or three is pretty much inevitable.   As always, an ounce of prevention will save a pound (or three) on your hips so give these tips a go for Christmas and New Years and stay in control of your … Continued

How to get an effective back workout with little or no equipment

One of the most important but challenging muscle groups to work without equipment is your back.  Building a strong back helps you with great posture, balances tight chest muscles (and most of us are VERY tight through the front of our bodies), relieves stress through the neck and creates great pulling strength. If you don’t … Continued

How to recover from your Halloween ‘hangover’

So, how was your Halloween?  Nursing a sugar hangover today?  Doesn’t feel great does it. Remember how last time you promised yourself you’d never do that again? Sugar’s addictive nature can be as powerful as a drug. In fact, as you’ll learn in the video below, sugar works on part of the brain in the … Continued

Sweet Alternatives to Sugar

Do you have a ‘go to’? You know, something or someone that you can rely on no matter what? Well, Rick Kaselj is my ‘go to’ for injury prevention and rehab. Turns out that Rick is a man of many talents. Today he has an article about sugar ‘go to’ substitutes for us.  Now this … Continued

3 ways to modify your workout

I asked fellow Aussie and good mate of mine, Kate Vidulich, if she’d offer some helpful hints and tips for modifying workouts for beginners or less experienced exercisers.  So over to Kate for her take on exercise modifications and when to use them.  Take it away Kate! Guest Post: Kate Vidulich, Bodyweight Cardio 500 Have … Continued

Back Fat Workout Solution for Her

It’s been long established in the fitness industry that “spot reduction” of body fat is just not possible. Countless hours of sit-ups will not change your belly fat and multiple donkey kicks won’t actually slim your butt. Well, time flows and research looks at all kinds of interesting things, and recent studies indicate that there … Continued

Q & A – HIIT and Fat Loss

Amy asked:   I’ve noticed that some fitness experts recommend doing 20 minutes of HIIT 3x a week, while others say to do it every day. What do you and Shawna recommend? Lisa replied:  I receive a lot of emails from women who are confused about the difference between “Intensity” and “High Intensity Interval Training” (HIIT). … Continued

Q & A – Overcoming Challenges

Kathy asked this question:  Just started your program a few weeks ago, have been inactive for over three years due to a tumor in my head, the steroids I was on and complications. Had surgery a little over a year ago to remove tumor and lost sight in left eye. So my body isn’t as … Continued

Finding Balance (and falls prevention)

Updated February 7, 2017 The single biggest issue that will impact health and fitness in later years is falls prevention.  One out of every three older adults (those aged 65 or older) has a fall each year.  It’s time to think about working on balance exercises now!   Now none of us ever think of … Continued

Foam rolling for Hip and knee pain

From Lisa Bullock We received a question from Carla requesting a little more information about foam rolling for sore knees and asking how she could strengthen her legs to relieve knee pain.  If you missed my email about training with knee pain, check it out HERE. I’m going to make a generalisation here.  In the … Continued