Making a New Year’s Resolution?

Don’t do it! You don’t need to wait until New Year’s or the start of the week or month to decide to make a change. And to improve your health, you don’t need to change EVERYTHING. Just pick ONE thing to do at ANY time & just start. Need help? I’m here for you, let’s … Continued

Secret to Long Term Health Gains

🙅‍♀️If you don’t do the hard things now, you won’t find time to do them later. ..‬ ‪.‬ ‪🤦‍♀️It won’t get easier to…‬ ‪✔️build good habits…‬ ‪✔️plan a head…‬ ‪✔️remove temptations…‬ ‪✔️exercise daily…‬ ‪✔️meal prep…‬ ‪✔️cut back on processed foods…‬ ‪✔️get enough sleep…‬ ‪.‬ ‪📆Procrastinating on these things will only contribute to the equivalent of … Continued