Do you think that it’s too late for you to get started on your fitness journey?
It’s time to re-think that thought.
My guest today, Phil Faris shares his perspective on fitness over 50 and why you need to get started now more than ever. Tune in for some tips and inspiration for fitness over 50!
Phil Faris is the host of Never Too Late for Fitness Radio, best-selling author of the book, “Never Too Late! 21 Strategies to Reclaim Your Fitness After 50”, and a Boomer health advocate who is committed to helping people over fifty discover the right fitness and lifestyle solutions so that they can lead longer, healthier and happier lives.
His philosophy was born when he realized that the health and fitness solutions that served him in his 30s and 40s were no longer appropriate for meeting his lifestyle demands and life goals.
In his 50s Phil encountered injuries and health challenges that made him re-focused his efforts on finding the best solutions for leading the active lifestyle he desired. Instead of designing a lifestyle based on his past, Phil began exploring health and fitness options that prepared him for his future.
By accepting some of his body’s limitations and focusing on what was important in his life, he was able discover a health and fitness lifestyle that was effective and sustainable.
Today, Phil is still on a quest to find new and more effective solutions for winning the game of life. He is excited to share the stories, experiences, and expertise of health and fitness professional who help people over 50 find solutions for living longer, healthier and happier lives.
The focus on Never Too Late for Fitness Radio is not about, “getting a six pack in 30 days” or for people looking for the next “silver bullet”. The show looks at new and effective solutions for the everyday people over fifty who want to look good, feel good, move without pain be active and live a fun and productive life.
Tune in here: www.NeverTooLateForFitness.com