Do YOU Have a Nursing Home Prevention Plan?

How much does it cost to get ‘old’?

Well, if you think a gym membership or a coach is expensive now…

Take a look at this:

  • The average cost of a nursing home is $260-$297 per DAY for a basic room and care (depending on location & level of care). That’s about $8900 per month.
  • Private in-home 247 care can range from $10k-$20k per month depending on the care and services required.

Can you afford to age unhealthily?

Wouldn’t it be a better investment in yourself to spend a little TIME & money now?

It’s less than you think and the PAY OFF is PRICELESS.

I can help. Let’s talk about YOUR nursing home prevention plan!

It’s great to see how my clients are feeling their best and living their best lives: