Stop wasting time wondering if you’re making progress, simply measure it.
Don’t rely on your memory, write down your workouts.
This allows you to compare your progress over time and it holds your feet to the fire for each workout to improve.
You can expect a SLIGHT increase in performance with NEW skills (like Olympic weightlifting for me) as new neural pathways are built.
MANAGE EXPECTATIONS & set realistic goals – by knowing where you’ve been you can better predict where you’re going.
As for me, I have 40 years of workout journals (okay, so I’m a little over the top).
The point is, I have real data.
As a 60 year old double hip replacement aging athlete with literally 40 years of gym training under my belt, progress for me is to be able to MAINTAIN some of my past performances.
Need more support? Together we can progress your fitness, let’s talk.