🌸Life is all about BALANCE!…
👙I’m all about flexible dieting so if having an alcoholic beverage is important to you, there’s a way to fit alcohol into your plan without sabotaging your fat loss results…
🤔Keep in mind that alcohol has 7 calories per gram (carbs have 4 cals/gram, protein has 4 carbs/gram, fat has 9 cals/gram)…
🍷Alcohol is metabolized differently than all other macros. It gets preferential treatment by being processed in the liver first over all other food…
⚠️Basically drinking alcohol will slow down or stop fat burning…
⚠️It’s important to understand that you CAN have an alcoholic drink, but doing so will slowdown your fat loss…
🏃🏻You can decide the pace at which you want to go, it’s just important to know this fact to manage expectations…
⬇️Below are some tips on how to have a drink without sabotaging your fat loss…
👯Focus on the social experience (friends and the event) not on the food/drink…
💦Hydrate (lots of water early in the day and match each alcoholic drink with H2O)…
🍗🍤Eat protein – if you’re drinking alcohol, load up on protein choices for food, not carbs or fat…
🍸Drink clear alcohol (vodka, gin, tequila) over dark spirits and drink red wine over white – all in MODERATION…
❌Keep the calories OUT of the mix – use soda water or water (not soda pop or tonic water)…
If you’d like to fit a drink into your macros, here’s how…
When entering alcohol into any app like My Fitness Pal, it will typically register ONLY calories but not macros (sometimes a few carbs will register – but this isn’t the whole story)…
🤔Determine the CALORIES of your alcoholic drink…
👉🏻Use carb or fat macros from your daily alottment to account for these calories…
👉🏻Divide the drink calories by 4 if you’re using carb macros, or divide by 9 if you’re using your fat macros…
👉🏻Example: A glass of wine is about 120 calories – add 30 g of carbs (120 divided by 4) or 13 g of fat (120 divided by 9) to your log…
✳️Remember to account for any carbs in the mix if you have a cocktail…
⚠️There’s little nutritional value in alcohol so if you’re going to drink, those macros add up so you may be a little hungry and under ‘fed’ on a day you’re drinking…
⭐️The point is, no food/drink should be ‘off limits’ …
Weigh the cost-benefit ratio for YOU – and if alcohol is something you enjoy, fit it in accordingly…
💕Remember, life is all about balance!…
I can help you balance your nutrition to get the body you deserve. A good start is this short video & then let’s talk!