⏳Time: What’s your relationship with it like?⌛
➡Have you ever considered this question?
Most people when asked say things like:
❌I never have enough time.
❌I’m so busy.
❌Where did the time go?
❌My time is so tight.
So, since many of us are time poor, you’d think that we’d want to maximize the time we have, right? Wouldn’t we want to squeeze the BEST out of every minute since it’s in short supply?
Logic would say yes, but habits often dull us to even considering the concept. Many of us robotically go through our day without a thought as to the precious nature of time and trying to make the most of it.
In fact, we may live to be 80 years old, but many of us live the same year 80 times over.
Consider this:
☠The average lifespan for women in North America is between 81-82 years old.
Currently, if I live to be of ‘average age’, I can look forward to:
✅27 more Christmas holidays
✅27 more birthdays
✅27 more summers
✅27 more bdays with each of my children
✅27 more years to pay taxes
✅27 more years of doctor appointments
✅27 more Thanksgivings…
You get the picture.
😱I’m not trying to be morbid, I only want to shed a light on the fact that time goes faster than ever and if I don’t stop and make the most of it, then my remaining time on earth may just be wasted.
Realistically, the next 27 years will likely have some health challenges, certainly more than the previous 27 years, so I best be taking care of myself so that I can enjoy full health as long as possible.
I do NOT want to be high pressure to anyone, but the fact is, if you’re not doing anything to enhance your health NOW, you’re dying a little more every day.
⏰If you’re not making time for your health now, you better make time for illness later 😷
Some of you may know the story of my dear Mom who decided too late to take care of her health. She didn’t make it to the ‘average’ age. She died at 73, 9 years short. She just ran out of time.
I don’t want that to happen to YOU.
🤔My suggestion is for you to do some BIG thinking as to how you want the rest of your life to look.
For me, I’ve decided that I’m done waiting on people or things to happen, I will MAKE them happen. I will be deliberate and decisive in choosing how I want the rest of my life to look. A big part of the picture includes making time for self care.
💥My strong suggestion is to decide what you’d really LOVE to have in your life. For many of you, I know a health upgrade makes the list – or at least it should. I mean, how will you enjoy any part of life if you have failing health?
So, I implore you to do what you can with what you have TODAY to improve your health. If you’ve been sitting on the fence about doing something, today is the day to make a change.
Reach out to me to help you short cut the process to get faster results.