Are Carbs the Devil?

Are carbs the devil? 😈 Will carbs increase belly fat? When can I eat carbs? How many carbs? What kind of carbs? Coach Perri and I give you the low down…

It’s important to know WHAT carbs to eat, WHEN to eat them, what to COMBINE them with and HOW many carbs you can eat without gaining belly fat.

Coach Perri and I are in agreement that for SUSTAINED fat loss and a reasonable lifestyle, it’s important not to cut out an entire macro group (like carbs). While the keto diet is all the craze now, it might not be the best diet for you LONG TERM.

Fine tuning YOUR nutrition can be the difference between maintaining your weight and dropping that extra flub.

If you’d like to work more closely with Coach Perri and I, make sure to set up a call with me to see what that looks like. You can do that here:

And of course you should be in my closed FB group: