This finisher has the best KB exercise of all time… the KB Swing.
You’ll see all kinds of great KB and bodyweight finishers here.
Now most people get the KB Swing all wrong and you might be, too. You don’t do a squat followed by a front raise (that’s what most people do). The trick is to really “fire” from the hips and glutes and your arms are just along for the ride.
When you do KB Swings correctly, you’ll get your core stronger but the bonus is that you’ll hit your bum and hamstrings too.
Who doesn’t want a nice bum? (Along with improving your conditioning and hitting tons of other muscles.)
That’s why it’s a staple in this finisher from Chris Lopez, CTT…
Duration: 10 minutes or less
Equipment: One single kettlebell – snatch size or less
- Snatch Left x 5
- Snatch Right x 5
- Clean Left x 10
- Clean Right x 10
- Swing Left x 10
- Swing Right x 10
You can get great instruction and dozens more KB Finishers from Chris Lopez here PLUS some fat-burning bodyweight workouts from Mike Whitfield:
NEW KB Finishers and Advanced Bodyweight Workouts <== Sale
Plus, get this – a study published by ACE proved that you burn up to 20.2 calories per minute using a kettlebell.
How many calories per minute do you burn walking on a treadmill? … on average… 5 🙁
Let’s do the math and see what’s more effective:
Above finisher:
8 minutes X 20 cals = 240 calories in 8 minutes
On a treadmill:
30 minutes X 5 cals = 150 calories in 30 minutes
Boom. You’ve got a 8-minute solution to your ineffective cardio. (What will you do with the extra 22 minutes?)
As part of these NEW 31 KB Finishers, Chris Lopez PROVES you can get better results in less time with the right programming and just a single kettlebell.
Combine that with Mike’s Bodyweight workouts and finishers, and you’ll eliminate all excuses. After all, Chris is married with FIVE kids. And Mike? … he’s been able to lose AND KEEP OFF 105 pounds of fat, even being married with 2 kids himself.
It’s no surprise they have helped thousands of people all over the world with their high-energy and addictive workouts and finishers.
Discover the HIGH-energy workouts and finishers here.
Cure your boring workouts => High-Energy KB and BW Workouts + Finishers
Get ripped burning 20 calories a minute,