‘Mediocre’ days are common…especially where your exercise is concerned.
Some days you may not be feeling it, you may have no energy and you might even wonder if what you’re doing even counts…
I’m here to say it does! It all adds up.
Personally, over the years, I can’t tell you how many times I haven’t felt like exercising, but I’ve still shown up for my workout. Over time, my mediocre or poor efforts have improved. Or at the very least, I’ve been able to maintain a certain level of fitness.
And with aging, maintaining your fitness level and muscle is almost as good as improvement.
So, rather than only celebrating big wins with exercise on those days when it feels wonderful, my goal is to improve my mediocre days…
Because you’re going to have many more ‘mediocre’ days than stellar days…
I think this can be said for all things in life – make your mediocre better and you’ll always winning!
I’m always here for you to support with your workouts, lifestyle habits, nutrition – whatever you need to make menopause a little less challenging.