It hit me the other day when I got on the scale & noticed an underlying disappointment that the number wasn’t smaller.
What the hell?
Why would I think this?
Even as a health coach, I have to catch myself falling prey to the idea that I should be leaner & lighter.
Has this happened to you?
Why do you think that living in a smaller body is better?
You may be so influenced by social media that the number on the scale will never be right.
‘Smaller’ isn’t necessarily better…
‘Healthy’ is better…
So take care of your health first and enjoy all the wonderful things your body can do…
Instead of beating yourself up over your relationship with gravity.
I’m a work in progress too.
Recognizing where these stupid thoughts come from & then changing your mind about them is a good start.
If you’re wondering why your weight fluctuates (and it will!), check this post out.