Here are 5 signs you may be under eating:
- You don’t seem to eat much and you still can’t seem to LOSE weight. How can you possibly eat less?
- You tend to GAIN weight overnight. A dinner out, a dessert, a glass of wine – it ends up on the scale the next day and it won’t budge.
- You feel sluggish or low energy.
- You aren’t hungry, especially in the morning.
- You have afternoon or evening cravings (particularly for sugar).
Congratulations: Your body has become ‘metabolically adapted’. Through low calorie eating over time your body has just ‘learned’ to get by on less energy. It’s time to flip this around.
What can you do?
- Don’t expect to lose weight quickly.
- S-L-O-W-L-Y start to increase your daily food intake (eg 100 extra calories a day for a week).
- ‘Some’ weight gain may be expected at first.
- Keep an eye on the scale, if you gain more than an average of 2lbs in a week, reduce the caloric increase by half.
- Focus on quality foods, prioritizing protein.
Overtime your body will start to tolerate more calories and you’ll have better energy.
Mentally, eating more calories can be one of the hardest things you’ll do, especially if you’re afraid of weight gain.
I can help. I’ve done this with a number of clients. Let’s talk: