Every Day Ways to Improve Leg Strength in Menopause

Here’s the advice I gave my 79yo client to maintain & even develop her leg strength…

I reminded her that she squats several times a day, she should use those ‘reps’ to her advantage.

  • Be conscious of S-L-O-W-L-Y lowering your butt to the seat instead of falling into your chair
  • Sometimes practice a butt tap down to immediate stand
  • Resist the urge to use your arms when sitting and rising
  • *Bonus points: After using the washroom, practice 5-10 ’squats’ or butt touch downs to standing position

You’re going to get weaker over time if you don’t make efforts to maintain strength. As I age, I’m more conscious of the loss of functionality. Part of healthy aging is creating awareness around simple habits so they don’t fall off the radar; because once you stop doing some things, it gets hard to start.

So do the ‘easy things’ daily and you’ll be surprised how this will have long term benefits. You’ll maintain and even build much needed muscle.

And more muscle equals more function and quality of life later.

So get working on YOUR strength no matter what age you are, and .please share this with others to encourage them to do the same!

Now go sit down S-L-O-W-L-Y! (And reach out if you need some support!)