If you’re looking for biased, half truths & unsubstantiated information…
Look no further than Netflix’s ‘You Are What You Eat: The Twin Experiment’.
The show presents as legitimate with slick doctors and specialists conducting ‘scientific procedures’ while comparing the omnivore and vegan diets using identical twins.
But don’t be fooled, it’s simply propaganda demonizing current agricultural practices as well as an ad for a vegan diet.
Not surprisingly, the ‘documentary’ was funded by the Vogt Foundation, who’s founder is vegan and is focused on ocean preservation. As well, ‘Beyond Meat’ also provided funding and the majority of speakers have ties to plant-based industries.
Episodes are chalk full of bias, food fear mongering, and sensationalism. Throughout the series there is a blatant lack of an unbiased opinion, expert or counterbalance of any sort.
Granted, there’s a solid message that nutrition and lifestyle go a long way to improve health.
But it’s disappointing that Netflix just adds to the already confusing world of health and nutrition.
With the growing number of documentaries and online videos about ‘scientific research’, you really need to fine tune your media literacy, science and critical thinking skills so just pass on Netflix for your nutrition information and look to more legitimate sources.
Creating a worthy nutrition study is difficult enough without the added burden of creating a sizzle for maximum viewership.
Want unbiased science based info? Watch my latest masterclass where I cover the concept of intuitive eating along with some nutrition basics and a trick to find high protein foods.
I cover practical strategies to sustainably improve your eating habits to manage your weight and optimize your health.