Best Cardio to Do in Menopause?

Feel like nothing works to reduce your increasing belly fat?

Cardio *done right* can get rid of your menopause belly and visceral fat and the good news is it doesn’t take a ton of time. But it does take EFFORT.

Enter SIT: sprint interval training.

Here’s how to do SIT:

  • Warm up 5 min (easy movement)
  • *SPRINT – all out effort for 20-30 seconds
  • RECOVER – easy movement 1-3 minutes
  • Repeat for 2-6 rounds
  • Cool down for 5 min

*Sprints can be done running, rowing, air bike, swimming, burpees, ANYTHING that you can give a MAX effort for a short burst.

As estrogen declines with aging, your traditional steady state cardio doesn’t do the trick to help you maintain or lose weight like it did before.

SIT is very effective because it:

  • triggers a fat burning, muscle preserving response
  • promotes insulin sensitivity so you can manage energy more efficiently
  • stimulates both the aerobic and anaerobic systems
  • increases calorie burn even after your workout
  • is extremely time efficient
  • can be done only 1-2 times a week

I like doing SIT once or twice a week either on the rower or in the pool.

I hope you’re resistance training, but are you incorporating SIT into your training?

Need some help? I got you. Let’s talk:

Credit: Dr. Stacy Sims & Huberman Lab