You Have Less Time Than You Think in Menopause

The danger is in thinking you have more time…

The average lifespan for women is 82.6 years (Canada, 2021).

At 60, you have 22 summers left…
22 Christmas’s
22 birthdays
22 years to see & do it all – if you’re lucky!

It may be morbid to look at life this way, but it certainly puts things in perspective.

Facing the reality of aging may just be the kick in the pants you need to put your health first.

Because if you don’t have your health, those final years aren’t going to be pleasant.

Have you considered how many special moments you have left?

What are you doing to make the most of them? Will you be strong & healthy to get the most out of them?

If you’re ready to make some positive changes, I’d be happy to provide direction and hold your hand along the way. Let’s talk.