5 Menopause Fat Loss Reminders

Even in menopause, there’s reason for hope where fat loss is concerned…

These principles may be self explanatory, but you may need direction as to how to make them work for you:

1. You do NOT need to go low carb or cut out any macro or specific food.
2. The scale is NOT the only measure of fat loss success.
3. Hands down, your body composition trumps your total body weight.
4. Resistance training is the KEY to preserving your muscle & bone density.
5. It is your HABITS that determine fat loss success, NOT your age.

I know it’s easy to spout out these sorts of reminders, and you may even be familiar with them.

But, it’s the CONSISTENCY with which you apply them that’s the secret sauce. Accountability to these principles (along with non-judgemental encouragement and some direction) are what help my clients stay the fat loss course. 

If you’re ready to see results like some of my clients, let’s talk.