Need to Lose Those Last 10lbs? This is for you….

*Just press pause if the video moves too quickly 😉

Unfortunately people take liberties to comment on another’s weight, which is inappropriate at either end of the scale.

Feeling good in your own skin is important no matter what size skin you’re in.

If you’ve ever been there, it’s hard to ‘lose those last 5lbs’, especially as a smaller person.

Kudos to Tara who was committed to her health to optimize the weight she feels best at.

It can be easy to ‘throw in the towel’ when you ‘get close’ to your ideal weight.

She’s now learned how to tweak her nutritional habits such that she’ll be able to maintain this weight now…

Some of her ‘ah ha’ moments are that:

  • Exercise is NOT the way to lose weight, it’s all about nutrition
  • She’s discovered a wider variety of foods as well as she’s able to eat MORE now and still maintain her weight (this is due to the choices she’s making including more protein and fiber)
  • She incorporates former ‘guilty pleasures’ into her weekly nutrition without fear of weight gain.
  • She’s even passing along what she’s learned to her daughter

If you want to optimize your health & weight, let’s talk.