Reason You’re Disappointed with Fat Loss Results – Summer Edition

If you’re in holiday mode, manage your weight loss expectations…

Not every season is a fat loss season, and that’s OKAY!

There’s nothing wrong with maintaining your weight.

In fact, if you try to ‘diet’ during your holiday, you’ll most likely be unsuccessful and potentially sabotage what could be memory-making times.

You’ll come home thinking you ‘dieted’ all the while, when you probably weren’t in the calorie deficit needed to lose fat. You’ll feel exhausted and demoralized and less willing to apply the habits you know you need to in order to lose weight once you’re home.

Instead, accept that your vacation is NOT a season to lose fat. Focus on a few healthy habits that will allow you to MAINTAIN your weight.

Weight maintenance is a worthy goal because statistically  80% of those who lose weight regain all of the weight they originally lost.

Here are five simple things you can do to maintain your weight while on vacay:

1. Prioritize protein at each meal.
2. Find and eat ALL the veggies you can.
3. Chase any alcoholic drink with double the amount of water.
4. Walk the soles off your shoes daily.

If you want practical and sustainable strategies to reach your goals (whether you’re on holiday or not), that’s what I do best.

Let’s talk if you’d like results like Tara and Amanda below – both were able to successfully ‘holiday’ and still have amazing weight loss results.