Unusual Knee Pain Solution for Menopausal Women

Don’t walk outside outside to start!

But there’s many benefits to backward walking including:

  • Can reduce knee pain & muscle tightness
  • Works glutes
  • Stretches hip flexors
  • Can relieve back pain
  • Can increase balance

Here are some recommendations:

  • Start slow
  • Begin on a treadmill or walking pad
  • Bring a forward walking buddy if outside
  • Work up to 10 min 3x week

Another solution to joint pain is review your nutrition to ensure what you’re eating isn’t causing inflammation.

Here are the studies that support the benefits of backwards walking:

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2019.01.002  https://doi.org/10.1177/0269215518801430

I can help with this!

Happy to talk