He Said There Would Be Ice Cream: A Cautionary Tale (and Stair Workout)

There was never any plan for ice cream! But it was a fun Saturday morning just the same.

I’m NOT a fan of running or stairs, but I am a fan of being outside and shaking up your workouts from time to time. This workout was 110 stairs plus 10 push ups done for ten rounds..

The workout was Alan’s idea and the 3 minute cold river plunge was my idea, so we both ‘reluctantly’ did something the other suggested that we otherwise wouldn’t have done.

And that’s the point of this post…

Surrounding yourself with people with similar goals can be a game changer.

It can push you to do things that you may not have done alone. It helps you show up when you want to sit things out. And it can make ‘unfun’ things more fun.

In fact, support specific to exercise was shown to be a better predictor of exercise adherence than general social support. So having that person or community to exercise can improve your fitness game.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9373378/  – Oka, R. K., King, A. C., & Young, D. R. (1995). Sources of social support as predictors of exercise adherence in women and men ages 50 to 65 years. Women’s health (Hillsdale, NJ), 1(2), 161-175.

If you’re lacking that person or community, you can still find it virtually. Whether it’s for fitness or nutrition, I’m here for you. Happy to discuss what that looks like for YOU.

Let’s talk.

PS. We DID have ice cream later in the day! I just forgot to take a picture…remember there’s room for all foods in a healthy lifestyle.