How Consistent Are You with Nutrition? Try This Test

Consistency is KING when it comes to achieving anything, ESPECIALLY with weight loss. 

How consistent with nutrition are you really?

Here’s a way to track your progress towards your weight loss goal.

Put a blue check mark at the end of the day if you hit your nutrition goal.

Put a red X if you didn’t.

Were you 80% or more consistent?  
If not, you can’t expect to lose weight.

Print out this chart and put yourself to the test.

If you’re finding you ARE consistent but still not getting results, then there are three things at play:

  1. You aren’t in a calorie deficit. This could be due to faulty calculations in determining your deficit or inaccurate food measuring/logging.
  2. You need to be more PATIENT. Weight loss takes a lot longer than you would like.
  3. Results may be happening elsewhere and the scale is the last to show progress. Remember to use measurements, how your clothes fit and pictures as well to determine progress.

If you’re frustrated and want support, I will help you maintain your sanity throughout the process. Let’s talk.