Why You Can’t Lose Your Menopause Belly…


Results are MEANT to be slow so you preserve your muscle and bone density and also because you’ll learn the skills required to maintain any weight you lose.

Stop trying so hard! You can’t rush fat loss. especially if you’re menopausal.

A slower and more sustainable approach will be more beneficial in both the short and long term.

Start simple:

  • prioritize protein
  • aim for 25g fiber daily
  • protect your sleep
  • manage your stress
  • reduce alcohol
  • increase NEAT (eg walk 7500 stesp/day)

These things aren’t fun or sexy. But CONSISTENTLY applying these habits to create a SMALL calorie deficit will have you losing FAT instead of muscle, bone and your mind!

The problem is that it’s so easy to get frustrated and quit when results don’t come as fast as you’d like.

Having someone in your corner helps, I gotchu, let’s talk.