No regrets!
4 months post op for my 2nd hip replacement & I couldn’t be happier with my progress.
While I’m not entirely back to full loads, I’m moving pain free & making progress.
As a 60 year old, I’m learning to manage expectations & be kind to myself in finding a ‘new normal’.
With any recovery, you need to be willing to ‘do the work’ but it’s important to know WHAT you should be doing.
I have a team behind me including my Olympic weightlifting coach, my swim coach and my physiotherapist.
If you’re living in pain, find the root of it & take action to alleviate it.
You’ll suffer less compensatory damage, your recovery will be faster & your quality of life will improve immensely.
I’m here for anyone who needs realistic advice & practical strategies to reach your physical & aesthetic goals.
Let’s talk: