Don’t Exercise Alone!

Hate exercise? Don’t do it alone.

You’re more likely to stick to it when you workout with a friend or a coach. Oka, R. K., King, A. C., & Young, D. R. (1995). Sources of social support as predictors of exercise adherence in women and men ages 50 to 65 years. Women’s health (Hillsdale, NJ), 1(2), 161-175.

Want to workout with me?

My team & I do live workouts weekly & you can have access to 200+ on-demand videos.

AND, I’ll hold you ACCOUNTABLE to do the workouts!

Use the coupon code blackfriday22 for 40% off my workout program for 6 weeks here:

PS. Here’s what we did in this Saturday workout:

7 Rounds

  • 10 KB swings
  • plank (while partner pushes sled)
  • *50 ft weighted sled push (while partner planks)
  • 7 HSPU’s (or push ups)
  • 7 T2B (or knees to chest or dead bugs)

It took about 20 minutes
*you could swap in burpees for the sled pushes