Travel delays? Ug. It happens….
Here are some tips to make it a happier experience…
Pack your attitude – Decide what kind of traveler you’ll be…
Prioritize your health & think of how you’ll support it on the road…
Stress is a killer – travel delays can make you crazy, so let it go as much as you can…
Make a plan of how you’ll fit exercise in, it can be different, but movement is always important…My trick is to bring a lacrosse ball to do some mobility where ever I may be stuck!
Consider if or when you’re going to fall off the nutrition wagon…
Just because you’re headed to the airport or on a road trip doesn’t mean you have to head straight to cinna-bon…
Plan your indulges, not every meal on the road has to be a feast…
Pack protein powder -I have a shake a day to get enough protein, stabilize blood sugar, suppress appetite (I usually have this after my workout).
Bring along healthy snacks: oatmeal for breakfast, buy apples, bring protein bars, nuts.
Maintain your eating schedule as much as possible – Use the mantra ‘never starving never stuffed’…
Carry your water bottle, refill it several times…Often you may be thirsty instead of hungry, so drink up…
Veggies-veggies-veggies – I usually eat 600 g of veggies/day at home, this is a bit harder on the road but just do your best, take greens daily…
Sleep – try to stay on the same schedule if possible…
Overcome jet lag by getting lots of sunshine, try melatonin, practice all the sleep tips about reducing caffeine, blue light before bed etc.
Travel delays are really a first world problem. I practice gratitude that I have the opportunity to get away – even if it’s for a funeral…
Need help with getting more healthy habits in your life at home OR on the road?
I have a new master class for you, it’s a short 22 min video with tons of tips where I also explain why your body weight maybe stuck – you can watch it here.