Off Limit Foods for Women 40+

⚠️Alert – women 40+…
🤷‍♀️What foods make you FAT?…
🙋‍♀️I’ve created an exhaustive list of the MOST fattening foods….
✳️Here goes…

😳Notice the blank spaces? That’s because NO ONE FOOD will make you fat…
😀You can fit pretty much ANYTHING into your nutrition and still be healthy and lean (even after the age of 40)…
🤷‍♀️Say what?…
💃🏼I’ll repeat this good news: NO FOOD IS OFF LIMITS…
😀Obvi we can’t eat with reckless abandon, we need to apply moderation, but isn’t it good to know that you can eat anything??…
🤔But HOW MUCH should you eat? And of what?…
🙋‍♀️I can help you determine how many carbs, fats and proteins (macros) you should be consuming based on personal factors such as physical characteristics, activity level, stress levels, sleep habits, goals etc…
🙅‍♀️There is NO accurate ‘one sized fits all’ model that will tell you the ideal quantities of macros you need to reach your goals…
🤦‍♀️Sure, you can go ahead and copy what your neighbour is doing, but that’s like taking someone else’s prescription drug, it’s not based on YOUR health parameters…
✅Here’s where it’s imperative to get a personalized plan…
🙌🏻So remember that NO food is off limits!…
👏🏻Everything can be enjoyed in moderation….
🌸Life gets a whole lot easier and your goals get smashed when you have a personalized program…
💪🏻BTW, I GIVE away all my best follow along fitness programs when you coach with me and my team. You’ll not only have direction with nutrition, but your fitness issues will also be solved…

Let’s get talking