Do you seem to be putting on weight for no reason? What’s really going on?
So frustrating right?
Most often we can’t see what’s going on with our lifestyle from the inside, but things are much clearer from the outside looking in.
I LOVE getting on the phone with clients and potential clients who are at the end of their rope.
I understand how you feel because I’ve felt the SAME WAY.
Not long ago, I felt I had a ‘clean’ diet, I had a regular training routine and healthy lifestyle but I still felt lack lustre in my workouts and felt I could have more energy.
I got a nutrition coach to take a deep dive into my nutrition/lifestyle and provide direction.
Bingo – All of a sudden, everything became more clear in terms of what I needed to eat and how I needed to take care of myself. I made small adjustments, changed a few habit and my energy improved, my workout performance increased and I lost 6 lbs.
I needed outside eyes.
I’ve talked to 3 lovely ladies lately who have ‘inexplicable’ weight gain. They seem to be doing everything in their lifestyle the same but the belly fat keeps piling on.
You see, small habits make big differences over time. The good news is that small healthy habits can move you towards your goals, but small unhealthy habits move you away and before you know it, you’re way off course.
Within our 20 min call, we came up with a few ways their lifestyle actually had changed and what was going on in their bodies. Maybe their inexplicable weight gain was not so inexplicable?
We came up with strategies to offset their lifestyle and physical changes.
For one lovely, we reverse engineered the past few months to realize that she had a huge stress factor playing into her life. She never noticed this because, as a typical strong woman, she just dealt with it. Her stress was up, cortisol was up which increases belly fat, leptin (the ‘I’m full’ hormone) was down so she had increased appetite.
This discovery gave her hope again. She felt good knowing that her body is NOT betraying her. We came up with a strategy to move forward.
The fact is, both our body and our lifestyle DO change over time. These micro changes, extrapolated over the long term can lead to increased or decreased health gains.
Remember that it’s the SMALL habits that make all the difference.
We may not even notice some of the micro habits that we’ve picked up. There is almost ALWAYS a reason we can find that explains our aesthetic results.
It often takes a coach to hold the mirror up, to ask the right questions and then the answer is in plain view.
If YOU have inexplicable weight gain…take a deep look at lifestyle.
And better yet, let some outside eyes look in for you.
The solution is there in plain sight and with a little coaching, you’ll be on top of your health in no time.
If you need some outside eyes, let me help!