Look, it’s not realistic to think that we can leap over tall buildings every day, there are going to be those days when you’re dragging your behind a little.
When I get tired or overwhelmed, I used to tend to beat myself up for silly things, but no more!

✅ Understand that it’s just a day – I’m not going to go down a rabbit hole of ‘I’m not good enough’. I’ll cut myself some slack and tell myself that it’s temporary.
✅ Choose easier tasks to conquer. A low energy day is not the time to take on a new challenge be it physical or mental.
✅ I tend to do ‘busy work’ on days where my mental or physical state isn’t top notch. I mean how challenging is laundry or bill paying? Not so much, these things need to get done and I’d rather save my most energy for the creative tasks that I need to undertake.
✅ Stay on the nutrition wagon – low energy could be a sign that my nutrition isn’t on track so now isn’t a time to find the bottom of a bag of Miss Vicki’s chips or a tub of ice cream.
✅ Schedule in more rest – often for me, low energy is a good sign that I need more sleep – easy fix right? I’ll plan on getting to bed 30 min earlier to read (and most likely I’ll just fall asleep with my book on my head).
✅ Check my training schedule, maybe I’m doing too much. Yesterday I trained at 3 pm and today I trained at 6 am, typically I need a bit longer recovery time – there’s a reason to be dragging in energy right there.
✅ Count blessings – I hate to be all Mary Sunshine, but this is the only way for me. I only have ‘good’ and ‘great’ days. I have so much to be thankful for, the more I focus on the good, the more I see (and vice versa, so I tend not to focus on the negative).
✅ Be of service to others – Helping others energizes me or simply makes me feel good so it’s a good time to reach out to help someone else.
I want to be fully transparent so that you know that it’s normal to have those low energy days BUT, if they persist longer than the occasional one or you have a string of them, it’s worthwhile investigating further.
For example, in the dead of winter this year, I was feeling a bit down for a while so I decided to try a ‘Happy LIght’ because I thot I might suffer from seasonal affective disorder – and bingo! I started feeling better right away. Had I not had such an easy to implement strategy to try, I would have gone to my doctor.
So, hang in there on those low energy days, go easy on yourself, rest up, tomorrow is a new day!
Ps. If you need some support navigating your health journey and want to increase your energy overall, I’m here for you! Let’s get the conversation going here: https://tinyurl.com/y8boz9gd