Ever feel like you losing your mind? 😜
Let me explain how your hormones are involved…
⬆⬇🔄Changes in estrogen and progesterone may cause mood swings.
Memory, concentration, and mood are all impacted by our hormone levels.
😱Progesterone drops and this can cause irritability…
😴You may feel tired, depressed, irritable or struggle with memory concerns or “fuzzy thinking,” it could be the emotional symptoms of hormonal imbalance.
It’s important to recognize that we actually are NOT crazy 😜 and cut ourselves some slack!
Here’s an example:
Do you have teenagers? If so, remember their mood swings? We can’t STOP puberty, we can only help teenagers manage it.
While teenagers are trying out new things, figuring out who they are and getting ready to make their way in the adult world.
Menopause is an equal time for change in women. We can try new things – hopefully one of them is to increase our self care.
This can be a time for reflection/assessment, a time to determine who you really are, what matters to you and what you want to be in the second half of your life.
Now is a time to take control of own health and life.
I’d love to help you find balance and control in other areas of your life so that these hormonal shifts aren’t felt as deeply.
PLUS – we can really ease much of our hormonal imbalances with healthy eating. You may be pleasantly surprised to hear that we ARE in control of some of the hormones that are causing some of our nasty menopausal symptoms.
The Healthy Hormone Challenge is opening up again.
Go here to register.
Make sure to get on the waiting list so you get in. I already have over a bunch of people on the list and I’ll be capping registration.
The ladies finishing up have really enjoyed the program. Aside from losing 5-10lbs, we are focusing on non-scale victories like these:
Donna said:
1. NOT depressed with SAD for the first time in 5 years.
2. Emotions are more stable.
3. Clothes fit better, some are too loose.
4. Strength and empowerment!
Lee said:
I’m so happy with myself! YaY!
Paula said:
I sleep better, my bowels are better, and no bloating. I haven’t had atrial fibrillation in the time I’ve been on the plan. Go for it! You’ll only feel better!
Looking forward to having you join the challenge! You’ll move into my private coaching group, we’ll do a 7 day cleanse, then 4 weeks of healthy hormone eating. I have video follow along workouts as a bonus.
Best of all, you’ll get me, and my coaching team to support, motivate and encourage you along the way.
Don’t put it off because you’ll miss out 😳 Go here to register.