It was my 54th birthday…
Back story, when I turned 50, I thought it would be cool to do 50 pull ups in under 5 minutes…
…4 years later, I thought I’d try the same challenge (except well, I’m 4 years older so I had to do more pull ups).
I attempted to do 54 pull ups to celebrate 54 years, did I make it? and if I did, did I do it under 5 minutes?
The reason I did this was for fun and a challenge.
It wasn’t to impress anyone, I’m competing with myself. There will be plenty of folks that criticize my pull up form, my home gym, my time, my outfit…
But guess what?
I just don’t care. I’m happy that I’m able to tackle this kind of challenge with a reasonable hope of success.
And the reason I know I have some hope of succeeding at that challenge was because I get up every day and practice.
No, I don’t do pull ups every day, or every second day or even at all sometimes.
But I do train almost every day.
I walk the talk. And I want you to do the same.
I wouldn’t ask you to do something that I’m not willing to do myself.
I’m not perfect, I mess up, I have crappy workouts at times, I fall off the nutrition wagon (just like you)…
…But I get right back on track.
It’s the fact that I’m not down for long that makes the difference.
I want to be an example for you.
I’m just an ordinary 54 year old woman that has extra-ordinary resolve to help YOU change your life.
Please follow in my foot steps by doing something a little challenging today.54 times in fact.
My message is to challenge yourself, whether that’s in fitness or in business or relationships, whatever. Get out there and do something scary.
Oh, and another message: Consistent self care pays off.
*I forgot to look at the clock at the end – duh! I know I made it under 5 minutes tho because I was at 4:10 when I had 3 to go….I know I made it and I know I beat my time from 4 years ago.
Now it’s YOUR turn!
If you need a little direction, I’d love to help you.
I have both group and private coaching by application only.
Go ahead and apply so we can get the conversation started as to how we can work together:
I’ll help you drop the weight and keep it off – and I’ll help you do things you thought you never could.
Oh by the way – when you focus on performance, your fat loss becomes less of an issue and seems to happen naturally.