Metabolism Boosting Recipe

As many people know, I’m pretty much an epic kitchen klutz when it comes to cooking, but I have a brilliant metabolism boosting recipe in the video below that’s gluten free, dairy free, vegan, 100% paleo and it turns out for me EVERY time 😉

You’ll have to watch the video to see what it is…

Okay, okay…

So my recipe might not be a flavor favorite or be very filling…

My point of this post is that there is NO magic food of any sort to boost metabolism, BUT I have a fail proof metabolism boosting recipe that you can follow, even though it might not be speedy or sexy.

It’s to make small lifestyle changes over time instead of radical changes all at once.

Too many women try to drastically cut calories to lose fat. Their efforts and suffering are wasted and they are killing their metabolism. The body is a wonderful machine and will simply adapt to get by on less calories. Then if or when the person starts to eat ‘normally’ again, they will actually GAIN weight eating less than they did before they started the diet.

It’s a vicious circle of yo-yo dieting that can go on for years. It kills the spirit along with the metabolism.

The fail proof method of fat loss is to BUILD metabolism by making small healthy changes that are DOABLE and you can stick with. Consider ADDING things to your nutrition, like lean proteins, tons of veggies, and lots of water. Of course you’ll need to reduce the refined and processed foods, but when your body is nourished, your cravings will diminish and your palate will come alive from the natural flavors of wholesome food.

Set yourself up for success by adopting livable changes and seek support along the way. Surround yourself with like-minded people. Fill your kitchen with healthy choices so that you don’t have to make a difficult choice when the hungry’s hit.

Take my client Diane – she lost 50 pounds and 12 inches (that’s an entire FOOT) off her waist alone in 2016 by starting with ONE change.

She surrounded herself with a group of like-minded women on a similar path and she had me as a support as well. Here’s a pic of Diane and me on the fitness retreat I run annually. You can see that she’s taken on a whole new adventurous attitude.

Her first change was to stop putting sugar in her coffee and tea. Her next change was to switch her brand of yogurt to a lower sugar, higher protein variety. Slowly she made small changes. Her progress was slow and steady. She added the ‘right’ kind of exercise (metabolic resistance training) to help her gain lean muscle tone while dropping fat. Diane is over 50 but didn’t use her age as an excuse.

Diane is a champion.

You can adopt Diane’s attitude.

Support is essential. Hiring a coach will speed things along. A coach will hold your feet to the fire when the going gets tough.

If you’re tired of going it alone or getting lack luster results, I’m here to help. If you know that going it alone hasn’t worked in the past, then you might want to consider some coaching.

I’ve capped my Shawna 247 coaching programs so that you don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Make sure to apply at this link to see if you’re a good fit. I usually have a waiting list because I can only take on a few clients so that you get the attention you deserve.

Looking forward to seeing YOU in my coaching groups.