No Impact? No Problem – A Challenge for Everyone

I often get asked why my whole workout series and blog is incorporates the word ‘CHALLENGE’.

After all, it’s not that inviting is it? Maybe I should have challenge workoutscalled it ‘EASY workouts’ or something easier to swallow…

Instead, I like the whole idea of ‘challenge’ because to me it means that you can constantly be competing with YOURSELF to better your fitness. You don’t necessarily have to compete with anyone else, you can just continually push your own boundaries no matter what fitness level you may be at.

In addition for me, through working out, I’ve found a direct transfer of physical strength to mental toughness and emotional strength.

Being physically strong empowers me to be stronger in all areas of life.

I don’t see an end to my love for challenging workouts any time soon. There will always be those stronger, faster, tougher than me. I don’t care. It’s not a competition with anybody else. I compete with me to challenge myself to push past previous barriers, both physically and mentally.

To me, this is what life is all about. (You can read more about how my love affair with challenge workouts here.)

What’s your story? Why do you do what you do? I’d love to hear about it in the comment section 😉

no jumpNow, if you want a challenge, but you have some physical limitations, it’s NOT a problem. We can work around pretty much anything 😉




For example, if impact is an issue for you, I’ve got you covered. My publishing partner, Lisa Bullock and I created a video full of options for you here:

The point is, I don’t want you to use the excuse like ‘I can’t jump around’ to avoid training….I can always provide a ‘work around’ for you. If you want me right in your living room, why not train with me?

Follow along videos are the immediate answer to learning great ways to intensify or modify any exercise so that you train safely. In my video workouts, I’ll give you all that instruction as we go so there’s no need to avoid training or go research safe exercises for yourself.

I’ve got 21 days of ‘done for you’ workouts that I know you’re going to LOVE.

We’ll work together to challenge you AT YOUR LEVEL – no matter what that level is. In these workouts, I incorporate the ‘challenge idea’ whether you’re rocking out pull ups or doing every exercise in a modified fashion. The cool thing is, before you know it, you’ll have increased your workout intensity and improved on each individual exercise in no time. I’ll show you the progressions of each move so you can safely go from ‘beginner’ to ‘advanced’.

Okay, so here’s a workout for you:

This is a challenging workout that includes:
–>one legged burpee
–>ab roller or plank reach
–>hanging oblique leg lifts
–>sit out or mountain climber
–>shoe touch

Do each exercise for 40 seconds with a 7 second transition to switch.

This is a great way to burn fat and focus on abdominal strength.

If you’re looking for a challenge and want to make it YOURS, check out the new 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge. Let’s train together to work around any limitations you may have. 21DFL_followalongvideos