Q & A – On Swimming, Jumping and Interval Timers

If you have questions – then we’re here to help answer them!


Margaret asked:  “I’m just getting started on your basic program and am working with a trainer, Tom.   I love your program and all the support. I’m 61 and pretty fit but dealing with the creeping fat of “muffin tops”. I have a few questions:

  • For years I’ve been swimming 30 – 40 minutes 5 days a week and love it so much for relaxation and resting the mind. Tom has given me an interval training set to do during the last 20 min which I am starting to incorporate (have done it 3 times now!). Can I do one of your workouts on the same day?
  • I have a wrist problem – ganglion cyst on right wrist which pops up when I put pressure on my wrist. What’s the best alternative for someone just starting who cannot do push ups? (I even tried the “perfect push-up” gadget to make sure my wrist was straight and padded the grips but push-ups were still too much)

Lisa answered:  Glad you’re enjoying the program Margaret!  Let’s deal with these questions one at a time.  Swimming isn’t actually the best exercise for burning fat – for fitness and muscle tone sure!  Because your weight is supported by the water, you won’t be supporting your own body weight and so you’ll expend far less energy than say, walking briskly.  There’s also the issue of body temperature; it’s easier to keep your body cooler during exercise when you’re in water as opposed to your body working hard to keep cool during squats or mountain climbers.

You obviously love it for the meditative benefits but as the creeping middle-age muffin-top becomes more of an issue you might want to look at swapping out 2 of those 5 swims for bodyweight resistance workouts.  I love that Trainer Tom is incorporating more intense intervals into your swims – absolutely spot on advice.  If time isn’t an issue then continue with your swims and add in the FFlo40 workouts as well.  Ideally you’ll be looking at incorporating our workouts 3 times a week.  The first rule of changing your body is changing up your exercise.  Our bodies adapt to a new routine within 2 weeks of regular training so if you want to change – you have to add in a challenge and that usually means doing something different from what you’ve always done.  All the Female Fat Loss over 40 workouts are progressive in their elements yet provide a ton of variety to challenge your fitness.  And don’t forget our additional programs the Ultimate Results program; Trouble Spot Training and the Inner Circle Fat Burning Workouts – that’s an absolute ton of workouts for you to be going on with!


Now about that pressure cyst.  Your ganglion will continue to respond to pressure so you can use a wrist brace when training and you can read more about modifying pushups, mountain climbers and other exercises in THIS BLOG.  Use a soft padded bench or the side of a stable wide armed couch for support.  Just keep on moving – you’re on the right track!


Carla wrote in asking about her 71 year old mother who has been using the Female Fat Loss over 40 system and is really enjoying it.  Carla’s Mum has some hip issues and osteoporosis and asks whether she should be doing the jumping movements.


Lisa answered:  Firstly RESPECT to your Mum who asks about jumping movements at the age of 71!  We all want to have that great attitude!  But the simple answer is actually no.  She needs to look after her joints first and foremost and with her health issues and osteoporosis, high impact movements are not suitable.  She can swap out most of those high impact moves for Total Body Extensions and step-ups.  If the program calls for squat jumps, regress the movement to squats; if the program calls for jumping jacks – ease these back to quick stepping jacks.  And more power to her for keeping on training when many others would choose to sit on the couch.  She’s an inspiration.  If you’re not familiar with the exercises I’ve mentioned – remember they’re all in the Exercise Library and in the Vimeo video library.  Remember, that first come hip issues then next come back issues – so keep that core strong and take a look at Guru Rick Kaselj’s program Fix My Back Pain.

total body extension

Total Body Extensions

Andrea enquired about an audio timer for our workouts that include timed intervals.


Lisa answered:  Here are my top picks for free interval timer apps available on the internet.  You can use these on your smart phone, tablet or even buy a physical timer if you’re not in the flow of technology and prefer something you can hold on to!


My ipad has “Interval Timer”– simply named and simple to use.  It’s free in the Google App Store.

My personal fave because its easy and free is the Gymboss app which can be purchased from the Itunes store.

And if you want an actual timer in your hand then the classic Gym Boss is what I usually recommend – it retails for around $20.


And of course, if you prefer the personal touch then the Female Fat Loss over 40 program will have “Virtual” Shawna in your living room with you coaching both technique and timing.

Keep those questions coming – we love helping women live healthier, happier lives through great fitness and nutrition!