I told you I’d have lots of fun stuff this week from my friend, Kate Vidulich, so today it’s a workout and a video 😉
To be honest, I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to other trainers.
Since I’m old as the hills, I see all kinds of rookie mistakes that young trainers make. But not Kate. When she says she’s a scientist, she means it. She’s a certified Master trainer who uses a progressive, metabolic approach with just a pair of dumbbells and bodyweight moves to trigger your hormones to burn more fat than ever. You can see more from her here.
Her unique workouts, combined with a proven nutrition plan, can melt 3, 5, even up to 11 pounds of fat in just 14 days. You’ll SKYROCKET your metabolic rate. In fact, she has a 14-Day Rapid Fat-Burning Super Hormone workout plan and meal plans that she wants to GIVE to you when you grab her ALL NEW Fat Loss Accelerator 2.0 program.
<=======Guess who this is?
Yes, that’s me 😉
I helped Kate film all her accelerator workouts so I know first hand how horrible…umm, I mean effective they are. (In fact, I recommended her workouts to one of my coaching clients, Suzie, and she calls them ‘fat loss a$$ kickers’ instead of fat loss accelerators.
*Sadly, the crew that did the filming for Kate’s videos LOST some of the footage, so I’m not in all the videos; initially it was all Kate and me in the original footage but some videos needed to be redone. (‘WANKERS!’ is what Kate and I called that video crew.) Kate re-filmed some of the videos with Dennis ‘Superman/Clarke Kent’ Heenan, Mike ‘Pancakes’ Whitfield, and Dani ‘Gluten Free’ Woodrum – A stand up team of trainers.
What kind of workouts will Kate have for you in her NEW Fat Loss Accelerators 2.0? Take a look:
Here’s an actual sample workout with REAL exercises from Kate that you need to try. It’s from her 14 Day Rapid Fat Burning Super Hormone Workout Bonus.
Super Hormone Accelerator Workout
By Kate Vidulich
From 14 Day Fat Burning Super Hormone Workouts
Fat Loss Accelerators 2.0
Workout time = 25 minutes + 5 minutes stretching
Set your timing device for 32 rounds, 30 seconds work and 5 seconds transition. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds and do as many reps as possible, with good form. Rest for 5 seconds between the exercises.
Note: take additional rest breaks when necessary.
Dynamic Warm Up
Do each exercise in order for 30 seconds, with a 5 seconds transition.

A: Butt kicks
B: Bird dog w 15s hold each side
C: Crocodile jacks
D: Overhead reverse lunge with reach
Workout Set #1: 3 rounds
1A: Single Leg walkouts
1B: Cross Body Mountain climbers
Workout Set #2: 3 rounds
2A: Renegade row
2B: Swinging lunges
Workout Set #3: 3 rounds
3A: Prisoner squat jumps (or total body extension)
3B: Side plank
Workout Set #4: 3 rounds
4A: Inchworms
4B: jump rope (no rope… Just pretend!)
Accelerator Pyramid Surprise:
Do the following in order for ONE round only. Rest as necessary. If you’re form breaks down, please take a break.
A: squat thrusts x 3 + jump squat x 2
B: squat thrusts x 6 + jump squat x 4
C: squat thrusts x 9 + jump squat x 6
D: squat thrusts x 12 + jump squat x 8
E: squat thrusts x 9 + jump squat x 6
F: squat thrusts x 6 + jump squat x 4
G: squat thrusts x 3 + jump squat x 2
Stretch and Cool Down
Now, as you can see, Kate’s no joke when it comes to workout creation. You’ll never get bored. That’s one of the keys to fat loss, you need to always shake up your workouts.
Take a look at Kate’s ALL NEW Fat Loss Accelerators 2.0 and follow along with her in her coaching videos to help you drop the flub and get in the best shape ever.