#1 Myth about Lactic Acid training

myth debunkedGuest post by Kate Vidulich

We’ve all felt the familiar burn that comes with the last few reps of a difficult set of exercises. That burning feeling is all thanks to lactic acid.

There is a huge myth about “lactic acid training” that almost all women and men believe when trying to flatten their stomach, or accelerate fat loss.

Most folks think the “soreness” of a particular muscle group the next day is due to the burn of lactic acid.

Not true.

In fact, this pain is thanks to delayed onset muscle soreness, which is caused by muscle fiber damage during the eccentric portion (lowering phase) of the movement. Lactic acid buildup does not cause DOMS…

Truth be told, lactic acid training causes your muscles to fail on a chemical level, NOT because the fibers are weak.

This means, over time, the more lactic acid present in the bloodstream, the more growth hormone (GH) your body releases.

That’s key, because GH causes muscles to grow and attacks stubborn fat stores while you maintain your muscle mass, even on a low calorie diet.

In other words, if you change your tempo and can push through the pain of intensity, you can get rapid results by significantly boosting your body’s lactic acid level instead of wasting your time doing cardio and trendy core exercises everyday.

Here is a cool workout for you.

This lactic acid workout is no joke, so please don’t do this if you are a beginner. Note: you MUST reduce the weight by 20-25% below your normal lifting weight.

Lactic Acid Training Workout A

Dynamic Warm Up

Do this circuit once, no rest between moves:

– Squat to T-Squeeze x 15 reps

'Y' warm up
‘Y’ warm up

– Hip Flexor Stretch x 15s hold

– Single leg glute bridge x 10 each leg

– Bird/Dog x 5 each side with 10s hold

– I-T-Y complex x 8 each

– Jumping Jacks x 20

Accelerator #1: Dumbbell Fat Loss Accelerator

Choose a weight you can lift overhead for 10 reps. Perform each of the following in order, with no rest between exercises and without putting the weight down. At the end of the circuit, rest for 60 seconds and repeat for a total of 4 rounds.

A: DB Thruster x 6

B: DB Bent Over Row x 6

Renegade row
Renegade row

C: DB Push Ups x 6

D: DB Cross Body Mountain Climbers x 12

Lactic Acid Workout Set #1: 3 rounds

1A: DB Romanian Deadlift x 20 reps — 1 se

cond down, 3 seconds up

–       Rest 15s

1B: DB Renegade Row x 10 reps  -­– 1 second down, 3 seconds up

–       Rest 15s

1C: Goblet squat x 12 reps — 2 seconds down, 3 seconds up

goblet squat
Goblet Squat

–       Rest for 60s at the end of the circuit and repeat this circuit twice more time for a total of 3 rounds. If pressed for time, do 2 rounds.

Accelerator #2: Bodyweight Fat Loss Accelerator

Romanian dead lift (RDL)
Romanian dead lift (RDL)

Perform each of the following in order for one round.

A: Jump Squats x 10 with 5s hold at the bottom

– Rest 15s

B: Walkouts w Mountain Climber x 8

– Rest 60s

Lactic Acid Workout Set #2: 3 rounds

1A: DB Alternating Press x 8 reps each arm — 1 second down, 3 seconds up

–       Rest 20s

1B: DB Step Ups x 15 reps — 1 second down, 3 seconds upbent over rev fly

–       Rest 20s

1C: Bent Over Flyes x 10 reps — 1 second down, 3 seconds up

–       Rest for 45s at the end of the circuit and repeat this circuit twice more time for a total of 3 rounds. If pressed for time, do 2 rounds.

But wait… you’re not done yet.

There is another quick bodyweight Accelerator, plus a dynamic Finisher to keep metabolism cranking until the year 2015

Get the entire workout here

Then, AFTER you start burning off the belly fat, you can start to focus more on developing your abdominals.ab accelerator prdct grp

One of the most innovative ways to get your body fat levels low enough to “see” stomach definition is by using the approach at THIS link.

Just click the link below and learn how you can take on this 21 day challenge and get visibly defined abs with the power of lactic acid training.

=> Most aggressive 21 day Rapid Results Accelerator plan EVER