I recently did a ‘Lunch and Learn’ at the University of Calgary. The purpose of the talk was to debunk fitness myths and offer some healthy nutrition tips.
I have an interesting video that you’ll find at the end of the post. If you don’t have time to read the post and want to just go to the video. Click here to check this FREE video out.
Best Fitness Tips for FAST Results
Of course jaws dropped when I told people to stop doing ‘cardio’.
Among other studies, I quoted the 1996 study by Izumi Tabata. Maybe you recognize the name? This is the study from the scientist that created the infamous ‘tabata’ protocol where you do 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest to:
- an increase resting metabolic rate
- cause an increased calorie burn AT REST
- significantly lower insulin resistance
- improve glucose tolerance
- use calories for energy more efficiently
As you may or may not know, these intense workouts provide:
- improved athletic capacity
- improved conditioning
- improved glucose metabolism
- improved fat burning
Another study proved that both 30 and 60 minute cardio sessions burned the equivalent amount of calories, but in the study, the 30 minute exercisers lost MORE fat in a 13 week period due to EPOC (exercise post oxygen consumption) or ‘afterburn’. The calorie burning continued even AFTER the workout was done when the workout was shorter and more intense. This addresses the #1 objection to exercise which is lack of time.
Then I went into my rant over how muscle is lean and sexy and we all just want to look better naked (again the jaws dropped). Muscle is metabolically active so that you burn more calories even at rest. The only way to really build muscle and benefit from the extra metabolism boost it provides is to include some resistance training, bodyweight or otherwise into your workout.
You know all this right?
If you’ve been on my blog, this is familiar, but to this group it was pretty new.
Sad isn’t it? That a 1996 fitness study that reveals the most effective fat loss protocol isn’t common knowledge and people are still slaves to the non-existent ‘fat burning zone’.
Part of the problem is that big box gyms perpetuate mis-information. After all, it’s pretty hard to sell a burpee that can be done at home. Why would you want to buy a membership at a gym with shiny ‘cardio’ machines set up to watch TV if you could get better results sweating in your basement with your bodyweight and a few low cost DB’s?
I’m a HUGE advocate for bodyweight workouts, but I’m also a self proclaimed gym rat. I believe that my metabolism and muscularity have been maintained through out the years due to the fact that I’m not afraid to lift weight, and as much of it as I can.
Here’s a simple bodyweight workout that you can do in about 15 minutes that’s FAR more effective that 30 minutes on a dreadmill:
Tabata 20/10 – 8 sets 5 jacks + burpee (do the work for 20 seconds, rest completely for 10 seconds)
AMRAP in 10 min (as many rounds as possible)
- 5 push ups
- 4 squat jumps
- 3 reverse lunge per leg
- 2 burpees
- jump rope for 1 min
What does diet have to do with it?
I wanted to provide some basic nutrition advice to this crowd. Based on the lunches being consumed, the group needed some help. (I wasn’t judging, just observing,. Seriously, food companies make it so difficult to buy good food with their labeling. Well meaning people get fooled.)
Here are my quick notes on what I presented. Admittedly I got off on a tangent on some of the points, turns out I’m pretty passionate about all this stuff
- Nutrition plays a HUGE role in health and how good you look naked.
- You need low glycemic carbs, veggies, fruits, low fat protein sources
- Reduce processed/refined foods
- Never go on a ‘diet’ again.
- Instead, make permanent healthy changes to your eating habits.
Check your cupboards right now. Here are ten things to start right now:
- Eat 5-6 times a day
- Eat fresh produce with every meal
- Include more fish in your diet
- Drink more water
- Make every meal and snack count nutritionally
- Limit desserts to one or two per week
- Say ‘no’ to fast food.
- Say ‘no’ to other liquid calories (alcohol)
- Cut out anything ‘white’ (rice, bread, etc)
- Cut out mindless snacking
Portion control tips:
- Protein: Deck of cards or size of woman’s palm
- Carbs: Size of fist eg. pasta/rice
- Veggies: unlimited (steamed, raw, grilled, not sautéed)
- Salads a ton with dressing on side
- Fat: End of the thumb
Other considerations:
- Lack of sleep will increase levels of a protein called NYP, or Neuropeptide Y.
- This protein will decrease metabolism and increase appetite.
- Sleep deprivation is related to substances called serotonin and dopamine.
- You will crave carbohydrates when these levels are low
What about a detox or cleanse?
I get asked ALL the time about doing a cleanse or a detox. I’ll straight up tell people that if they plan on eating crap all year long, doing a cleanse in January is just plain dumb (if they don’t change their eating habits afterward).
Most detox programs aren’t just ineffective, and a complete waste of money. They’re also downright dangerous. Herbal shakes… “spicy lemonade”… detox pills…pooping potions. They all damage your body over the long term.
Specifically, there are three things going on that you absolutely MUST be aware of. And to make sure you don’t fall victim to these lies… my friend and colleague Yuri Elkaim has put together a short video that explains everything.
Click here to check this FREE video out.
This short video will save you months, possibly even years, of frustration and poor health.
There you have it, my cliff notes of the ‘Lunch and Learn’ I recently did at the U of C. I hope you learned a thing or two. I’m ever a student and would love to hear YOUR best fitness or fat loss tip.
Make sure to COMMENT ok?