Dudes, my guess is that most of you want to look like this guy here:
If I were a dude, I’d certainly want to look like him. The cool thing about that dude is that he’s as functionally fit as he is easy to look at.
You’ve seen him on the blog several times before. He and I did a head to head challenge here on the TRX.
He had other fun workouts for you here, here and here.
This is Travis Stoezel and anyone who knows Travis knows that he’s just hard core to the core. He obviously practices what he preaches. His training programs are not for the faint of heart.
What I like about his plans though are that they take into account that not everyone is at his crazy fit level. His goal is to ‘get you there’.
For example, in the workout below, you don’t have to start off being a super hero to be able to do the workout. He plans his workouts in a progressive manner so that as you improve, you can make the workout more intense.
Another thing I like about his workouts is this:
E.M.O.T.M. ==> Every minute on the minute set. It works like this, you get the prescribed work done and then if you have any time left, you get to rest.
I like this because the harder you work, the more rest you get. If you dog it or go slowly, the work out is still tough because you get no rest. Pretty nasty right?
Take a look at hard core Travis as he describes your workout for today here:
Day 3 – Strength Repeat Day
1A) 3 Sets E.M.O.T.M. x 8 Mins
a) Power Snatch x 1
c) Thruster x 1
***Complete 3 full rounds through the complex = set ***Alternate Arms Each Minute
2A) SELECT – 5 / 6 / 8 Min AMRAP Of:

3A) KBS Death – E.M.O.T.M. x ???
a) Kettlebell Swing x 10, 12, 14…
***Go until you fail to complete the work listed within the minute
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