Burpees are the New Black

Burpees are the new black and everyone can benefit.


burpees real women do burpees

I know you’re thinking I must have rocks in my head, but I’m serious about this. Everyone hated me in my fitness boot camp when we started doing burpees, but now we do burpees +  What I mean by that is we throw in all kinds of fun variations. Everyone from my 60+ clients to my wet-behind-the-ear-20-year-olds have some kind of burpee that they can do.

While I may not be ‘Miss Popular’ in the middle of the workout, everyone loves me when they try their jeans on and they fit much looser.

You can always modify a burpee at first (or when you get tired) with a full body extension or a burpee walk out.

Of course there are ways to intensify the already challenging burpee too and I’ve got tons of ways to do just that in my Challenge Burpee program.

Here’s a sample workout for you to try. Do 30 seconds of work with a 5 to 10 second rest in between each exercise. Do this entire set 3 to 5 times:

frogger burpee
prisoner reverse lunge
inchworm push up
double jump burpee
plank with alternate leg lift

Feel free to take a 30 second break in between sets if necessary, maintaining great form for each exercise is your number one priority.

Challenge Burpee is full of the ‘tried and true’ burpees in combination with body weight exercises to blast fat and up YOUR fitness game.

Check out Challenge Burpee  and get your burpee on!
