Just like you, I like to help people.
In my online biz, it all started with my pull up program (you can find it here).
I listened to YOU and you told me that ‘fat loss’ was an issue.
You also mentioned that time your constraints prevented long workouts…
I have an issue with just doing ‘cardio’…Plus the research I was doing (and results I was getting from my fitness boot camp clients especially) showed me that LONG workouts were ineffective…
I knew there was a ‘better’ way to lose fat that didn’t take all day long and could be super fun. I love a challenge and feel like everyone can benefit by pushing their own limits. And so something cool was born…
I created a program called ‘Challenge Fat Loss’….and then I RE-CREATED that program to become the ‘21 Day Fat Loss Challenge‘.
So, what is the 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge?
M2A or muscle metabolism acceleration is the MOST effective method of fat burning. M2A trumps long slow cardio. You’ll burn more calories while you’re training, as well as increase your metabolism with AFTERBURN to continue your calorie burning efforts. Workouts will help build lean muscle tone because muscle is metabolically active and will burn more calories even at rest.
M2A manipulates hormones. Workouts will help naturally increase growth hormone which increase your fat burning potential.
The 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge is based on scientific principles and is like NO other program and will help you melt felt 24/7 in workouts that are 20 minutes or less.
Here’s a cool sample workout. Do 30 seconds of the following exercises with a 5 second transition between each. Repeat the circuit 5 times:
pull up (or assisted pull up, inverted row)
prisoner reverse lunge
decline push up (incline or prone)
box jump (squat jump or prisoner squat)
plank recovery
Check out 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge to see if it’s right for you…(oh and see a picture of my belly too ;))