Are you ready to start to DO something to make yourself feel better?
I get many ladies that email me in desperation that it’s TIME. Time to take your health in your own hands. One lady emailed and said she’s been reading my emails for years now and is tired of sitting at the sidelines and is now ready to get in the game.
Let me tell you it’s NOT TOO LATE. Several of my clients have not done a thing since junior high, or longer 🙁
Don’t be discouraged or think that an active life is out of our reach.
I’m so proud of Heidi who has taken her health seriously. She was encountering serious health issues that she couldn’t find a resolution to, so she kept searching. She found my program and even discovered that gluten free eating did wonders for the inflammation in her joints.
Who’da thunk this?
We need to be advocates for our own health. No one knows our own bodies like we do. And if you don’t know your own body, it’s time that you spent some time getting to know what your body is capable of. Get to know yourself, challenge yourself with simple physical challenges. You’d be amazed at how a physical accomplishment will lift the spirit.
Take a look at super star in the making, Heidi. Be inspired by her story and then go ahead and do the challenge at the end. By the way, your comments on the blog would be most appreciated to encourage Heidi who really put herself out there in sharing her story…
Here’s Heidi:

Hi Shawna,
I’m very new to your program and appreciate it very much. I like the fact that I can just turn on my computer and work out with your follow along video programs. I’m still pretty weak and haven’t been able to get through a whole 20 minutes yet.
So far, I’ve taken my measurements and set the expectation to work out three times a week. I haven’t been at this long enough to see results. I just did my 4th work out yesterday!
I will say this though, I got through the entire 20 minutes yesterday, and while I feel a little workout stress in my muscles, it’s not the horrible inflammatory kind I’ve been battling since 2004. So, I’m hopeful. I have to modify some of the exercises so that I don’t re-injure my back or shoulders, but am hoping that in time I’ll be able to do everything without modification.
Here’s a BEGINNER challenge for you….
Do this circuit as many times as you can in 20 minutes. If you aren’t up to a 20 minute workout, set a timer for an increasingly longer time frame and STICK TO IT. For example, you may do 5 minutes on day one, 7 minutes on day two, and work up, adding two minutes a day until you get to a 20 minute workout.
Warm up with 10 each: arm circles, step jacks, stationary marches, wall push ups, sit to a chair…then:
- 10 total body extensions
- 10 squats
- 10 push ups (wall, floor on knees, on toes, anyway you can do it)
- 10 jacks (step jacks, jumping jacks)
- Body saw plank up to 30 seconds (knees or toes)
Repeat for the time allotted.
For more challenges and FOLLOW ALONG VIDEOS (so I can coach you all the way), check out my program HERE.
You can be like Heidi, on the road to better health, happier and more active.