It’s time for Fashion Flash Monday. Check out all these great posts HERE
Spring is finally here and it’s time to put away the sweaters and thing dresses. Fab Over 40 shares with us her 5 Fab Finds for spring dresses for women over 40.
Need a good way to tighten and tone the mid section before summer? Check out Female Fat Loss Over 40 Expert, Shawna K and Pilates Expert, Sylvia for three tummy tightening toners.
Model Crystal Renn wants to design a line that ranges from regular sizes to plus size fashions.
Have you ever wondered how female body builders age? How menopause affects them?How they keep fit after 40 or 50 and beyond? Cory Everson, Ms. Olympia, is sexy and strong at 53. Discover Cory’s secrets and how you can use them too.
Prime Beauty has rounded up the best of the best spring beauty launches for you
“Positive Aging expert Barbara Hannah Grufferman is convinced you need to
forget about your age, throw out your scale . . . and instead focus on these eight numbers.
Deb of No-Nonsense Beauty Blog looks at the link between carbs and wrinkles
What do you pair with linen over 40 to create a chic and stylish look? Deborah Boland of Fabulous After 40 has some interesting ideas for you.
Shiny hair is young looking hair. Jackie Silver from introduces us to the newest flat iron from the “pioneer” of hair straighteners, Paul Brown Hawaii.
She swore she’d never have plastic surgery. Now, 53-old Beth tells FabOverFifty why she changed her mind.
With the weather getting warmer we start to uncover our bodies and the panic starts to set in. Lately I’ve been getting emails asking me what to “do about my thighs”?