I know that several of my clients take a day out of the week to have a ‘cheat’ meal. I highly recommend this. It helps you stay focused on clean eating the whole week long knowing that you have a cheat meal coming up.
I figured you’d enjoy this report from my friend and top nutritionist Joel Marion. I was just with Joel in Miami last weekend and he said I could go ahead and share this with you.
Wouldn’t it be cool to have a ‘cheat’ on your nutrition plan and not even really be cheating?
At the link below, Joel has a brand new 31-page fat-burning report revealing SEVENTEEN “cheat” foods that manipulate hormones to trim away your belly bulge… and fast.
Get it here:
==> These 17 CHEAT foods Burn Belly Fat FAST
He also shows you how these 17 foods tie into the one solitary hormone
that controls literally EVERY piece of the weightloss puzzle.
In fact, if you don’t learn how to “partner up” with this hormone, you
can pretty much forget about losing fat altogether…it really is that BIG
of a deal.
==> These 17 CHEAT foods Burn Belly Fat FAST