Listen, don’t tell me that you can’t do pull ups because you have ‘no pull up bar’. I consider pull ups a bodyweight exercise and sometimes it takes some creativity to find a spot to get them done.
I’m no stranger to hanging from the rafters….Luckily for me, I’m not too heavy because I can probably get away with some dodgy pull up spots than my heavier counter parts.
Guess what? You’d be surprised as to the many places you may never have thought of to use. Here are a few:
It was a heavenly day when I discovered the back of the bleachers at the soccer center where I hold my boot camps. My clients will never look at these bleachers the same.
Field Goal Post or Soccer Goal Post
Speaking of soccer, you can use a field or soccer goal post as your pull up bar. The two down sides to this are the height of the bar, this may prove to be the biggest challenge. As well, the diameter is quite thick, so you really can’t hold on in the traditional sense.
Unbeknownst to me, my condo is full of excellent pull up opportunities. I have open stairs so, as you can see, my son has found a brilliant spot for pull ups. Climbing the stairs from the underside is fun too 😉 (Of course I have an actual pull up bar in my bathroom – see below- a sign that my condo was meant for me when I was buying it.)
This is probably the MOST likely place to find some kind of bar to do pull ups from. The cool thing about playgrounds is that you can do sets of monkey bar passes, not something you’d normally do with just a pull up bar, but boy will you feel those.
If you’re lucky enough to have a low horizontal tree branch available, you’re in business. If you can’t find a low-hanging branch, you can attach a pair of gymnastic rings to a higher branch.
Swing Set
My neighbor has a swing set for his kids and the horizontal bar that the swings are attached to is perfect as a pull up bar.
Parkour Course
Parkour and running trails often have a set of pull-up bars somewhere along the trail.
Exposed Pipes, Beams and Ledges
Look up. You’d be surprised at the opportunities up there. Whenever I’m walking around I always see exposed pipes, beams and ledges all over the place. Don’t be too quick to start your pull up workout until you’ve tested that it can hold your weight.

Door Frame
If a door frame is high enough and has a thick enough molding, you can actually use that as your pull up bar. But if that’s not an option, you can always give into the $20 doorframe pull up bar that you can easily put in one.

Pretty Much Anywhere….
There’s really no magic to finding the perfect pull up bar. All you need to do is literally, look up…

Need help with your pull ups?
You’re in luck there too. It’s Black Friday so if you don’t have my program, now’s the time to grab it.
I’ve got my program at 50% off for you TODAY.
I’m sort of jealous of my American friends that they have Black Friday, a day well before Christmas to shop at bargain basement prices and grab all kinds of cool things for the holidays. (In Canada, we have ‘boxing day’ with these kinds of sales. Not as cool since everyone has just spent a whack of $$ on Christmas the day before.)
In any case, grab my program at 50% off TODAY before the sale is over.
Then start getting out there and doing pull ups all over the place. I’d love to hear where you’ve found to do pull ups.