Are you looking for a simple way to boost your metabolism?
Click on this link to see the first way to boost your metabolism…you’re going to learn all about when the best time to eat is to enhance your metabolism and calorie burning potential.
A second and more POWERFUL way to boost your metabolism is through exercise.
Too many women tend towards ‘cardio’ type exercise. I’m not sure if this is due to lack of knowledge of any other exercise choice, or lack of equipment (when actually less equipment is needed for more effective calorie burning exercise).

You’ve no doubt heard me rant about giving away your treadmill. I still maintain that position. Unless of course you need something to hang your laundry on 😉
HIIT (high intensity interval training), paired with resistance training (even with your own bodyweight) is far more effective at fat burning than what can be accomplished on a treadmill with a typical treadmill workout.
Most people will get a magazine out or turn on the TV and start the slow trudge to no where. The place that eats up time but not your fat cells.
Instead of getting on a treadmill for 30-60 minutes, try these two 4 minute sets:
Set 1
- Do 20 seconds of push ups with a 10 second plank recovery
- Repeat this 8 times for a total of 4 minutes work.

Set 2
- Do 20 seconds of squat jumps with a 10 second wall sit recovery (once your thighs are burned up, do just walking in place for a 10 second recovery).

That’s only an 8 minute workout with the two sets. That will burn more fat when you do it intensely, than 30 minutes of slogging away on a treadmill.
Need a plan? Perfect.
Here’s the third way to boost your metabolism…
As luck would luck have it, it’s Thanksgiving for my American friends and they have an awesome follow up to their Thanksgiving.
It’s Black Friday, which means awesome sales, so if you don’t have my program, now’s the time to grab it.
I’ve got my program at 50% off for you.
I’m sort of jealous of my American friends that they have Black Friday, a day well before Christmas to shop at bargain basement prices and grab all kinds of cool things for the holidays. (In Canada, we have ‘boxing day’ with these kinds of sales. Not as cool since everyone has just spent a whack of $$ on Christmas the day before.)
In any case, grab my program at 50% off before time is up.